Haemodialysis is the most common dialysis method used worldwide to treat kidney failure patients. For a layman haemodialysis is a procedure wherein a highly advanced machine is used to filter out excess salts, wastes and fluids from patients’ blood once their kidneys stop performing their task adequately.
Haemodialysis Healthcare Team
Haemodialysis procedure is a serious responsibility but patients at 7Med kidney care centers do not need to worry. They can shoulder this responsibility along with our healthcare team. The healthcare team at each of 7Med kidney care centers include a Nephrologist, Qualified & experienced Dialysis Technicians & Nurses and our counselors.
4 Hour Dialysis – Time to Refresh
At 7Med Kidney Care Centers you can use your 4 hours to watch your favorite television programs, read magazines & books, play Sudoku or listen to your favorite music numbers. All these services are available at each of our Kidney Care Centers.
Haemodialysis for Positive Patients
Haemodialysis patient with sero positive blood face difficulty to get quality dialysis center to rely upon. 7Med pays special attention to the requirements of such patients’ needs and follows strict clinical protocols to ensure zero cross infection amongst patients.