5 Potassium Rich Vegetables that CKD Patients Should Avoid

In this article we will explore potassium rich vegetables that CKD patients should avoid. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients undergoing dialysis treatment need to monitor their food sources and quantities. This considerably reduces the risk of any toxic build up in the bloodstream.
Potassium is required in small quantities for us to be healthy. But in a CKD patient the kidneys are not flushing out the excess potassium. This can cause weakness, numbness & tingling and in extreme cases can also lead to cardiac arrest.
Many of the veggies listed here, being the staple of most diets, are difficult to replace. But a patient on dialysis, for sake of a healthier life, must limit their consumption or avoid them completely.
Here are 5 potassium rich vegetables that CKD patients should avoid:
Spinach is one of the most nutrient rich vegetable around. It contains Vitamin A and K, folate and magnesium. However, raw spinach (100 grams) contains (558 mg) of potassium whereas frozen spinach (156 grams) contains (540 mg) of potassium.
Potato is a starch rich vegetable & a staple food for most people. A potato (136 grams) can provide (515 mg) of potassium which is a quarter (¼) of the daily limit for CKD patients.
Beetroot are deep purple vegetables used in salads & pickles or are boiled. It contains nitrates and folates but also contains a lot of potassium. One cup of beetroot (170 grams) can provide (518 mg) of potassium.
Soyabean is a legume that is used to make products like soya milk, tofu and more. They are high in potassium content with (100 grams) of raw soyabean containing (1797 mg). They are a good replacement for animal protein, but should be consumed in limited quantities only.
Kidney Beans
Kidney Beans are from the family of legume. Kidney beans are good source of proteins and sodium. But they also contain very high potassium content. A cup of raw kidney beans (100 grams) contains a whooping (1406 mg) of potassium.