The Virus of the World
The coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has the whole world’s attention. Since the outbreak began in China in December 2019 this virus has spread rapidly.
A group of viruses that look a bit like crowns is what coronavirus looks like. There are different types of coronaviruses, which only cause mild symptoms and illness. This type of Infectious diseases occur especially where animals and humans live close to one another.
Research is being carried out to find its source. Many of the viruses are known to originate in bats, which then transmit them via other animals to humans. SARS and Ebola are examples and are also originated in bats.
The symptoms of coronavirus initially produces the same symptoms as the cold, but these can develop into fever, breathing difficulties. Current estimations suggest that serious symptoms occur in around 17% of coronavirus patients and that the disease becomes fatal for around 2% of these people. But, this estimations might turn out to be lower, once more information becomes available.
The coronavirus is transmitted in the tiny droplets that are produced when people cough and sneeze. It is very important that you stay away at a distance of at least 1 meter from infected people.
The most important steps you can take against the coronavirus are very simple. Follow the general hygiene rules that apply to all common cold and flu viruses. It is important that one must follow these steps:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and/or use sanitizing hand gel.
- Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow and use tissues.
- Stay away from ill people and animals.
- Only consume animal products that have been thoroughly heated.
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